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SkyClip Drone Bait Release Mechanism for Mavic and Mavic 2

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  • Regular price $139.00

Constructed from durable Polyamide plastic, they feature a corrosion resistant high quality Stainless Steel spring ball plunger system.

These precision mechanical bait releases are incredibly reliable and the tension force is preset at the factory to suit the drones maximum load capacity – To The Limit !

  • SkyClip features a corrosion resistant Ball Spring Plunger that are constructed from AISI 303 Stainless Steel and roHS qualified. The ball spring plungers feature a hardened stainless-Steel ball, Stainless Steel Spring, with 18 Newtons end force capability
  • All SkyClip tension release mechanisms are calibrated in factory to the drones maximum lifting capacity – So there can be no chance of over-loading your drone
  • By maintaining a drop loop of standard diameter line of 0.70mm, the tension force applied will always remain the same during releasing of the baits – This is very important for the Safety of the Drone
  • SkyClips are lightweight, easy to attach and are extremely strong providing years of service
  • SkyClips are designed and manufactured so they do not interfere with your drones VPS – Visual Positioning Sensors) and when connected – maintain correct centre of balance.